Library Machines

Librarymachine exercise  1

A mad libs style activity for generating library ideas.


  1. Create your template. Feel free to use / modify ours (see link under source) or create your own. (If you create your own, add it here as a forked recipe!) We used the text "It's a special kind of [library space] [library thing], that when you [action] it [function]. It's cool because..." with room to add a description and draw a picture.
  2. It can be helpful to add words to choose from at the bottom, for example: reading room, meeting room, table, chair, light, book, shelf....
  3. If you're interested in ideas for a certain space, you may want to limit the activity (for instance, only focus on the teen room).
  4. Put the library machine worksheets somewhere patrons will see them. You may need signage or something to invite participation.
  5. Find ways to share patrons library machines - seeing others' machines might inspire new ideas...